Stay with Me

사용한 키워드

헤어짐 방지, 사랑의 다짐, 영원한 사랑, 약속의 노래, 연인, Stay with Me, Don’t Let Go, Love Promise, Eternal Love, Relationship, Romantic Song

음악 제목 및 가사

Stay with Me

Stay with me, don’t let go
Hold me tight, love will grow
Never leave, never stray
In your arms, I will stay

Eyes closed, hearts in sync
Feel the warmth, don’t overthink
When we fight, don’t walk away
In your love, I want to stay

Stay with me, don’t let go
Hold me tight, love will grow
Never leave, never stray
In your arms, I will stay

Through the storms, we won’t part
You fix the cracks in my heart
Promise me, stay true
I’ll always be here for you

Stay with me, don’t let go
Hold me tight, love will grow
Never leave, never stray
In your arms, I will stay

By the sun, hand in hand
Together we’ll make a stand
Don’t let me slip away
In your love, I want to stay

Stay with me, don’t let go
Hold me tight, love will grow
Never leave, never stray
In your arms, I will stay

Stay with me, don’t let go
In your love, I’ll always glow

유튜브 뮤직 영상

아래 유튜브 영상으로 음악을 감상해 보자!

음악 컨셉 

이 노래는 연인이 헤어지지 않도록 다짐하는 내용으로, 서로에 대한 사랑과 헌신을 강조합니다. 사랑하는 사람이 떠나지 않기를 바라는 마음과, 어려움 속에서도 함께하며 영원히 함께하고자 하는 결심을 담고 있습니다. 연인 간의 싸움이나 어려움이 있을 때에도 서로를 놓지 않고 사랑을 키워 나가자는 메시지를 전합니다.

This song is about lovers vowing not to break up, emphasizing their love and commitment to each other. It’s about how you don’t want your loved one to leave you, and how you want to stay together through difficulties and be together forever. It conveys the message that even when there are fights or difficulties between lovers, they should not let go of each other and continue to grow their love.

AI 이미지

이 키워드로 만든 AI 이미지도 음악과 함께 감상해 보자!

A romantic scene at the beach during sunset, with a couple standing close together, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes. The sky is painted in warm hues of orange and pink. Soft waves gently touch the shore, creating a serene and intimate atmosphere. A dreamy, magical aura surrounds them, with subtle glimmers of light, symbolizing wishes and dreams coming true. –ar 16:9

음원 다운로드

아래 링크를 통해 다운로드 받으면 된다.

Stay with


이 음악은 무료로 제공되며 음원이랑, 이미지 모두 생성형 AI로 만든 것임
생성형 AI는 유료 사용자로서 저작권 해결된 상태임

This music is free and both the music and images were created by generative AI.
Generative AI is a paying user with copyright clearance

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