Forever You

사용한 키워드

이별, 그리움, 사랑, 기억, 후회, 애절함, 옛 연인, 잊을 수 없는, 슬픔, 감성, 추억, 미련, 기다림, 외로움, 마음, breakup, longing, love, memory, regret, yearning, ex-lover, unforgettable, sadness, emotion, reminiscence, lingering, waiting, loneliness, heart

음악 제목 및 가사

Forever You

Goodbye so easy, like the wind (like the wind)
Cold-hearted, took my heart, didn’t know
I miss you, where did you go? (where did you go?)
Lonely nights, just thinking of you

Love, I can’t forget (can’t forget)
Haunts me every night, can’t move on
Regret, it pulls me back (pulls me back)
Heart flutters, at shadows of you

Miss you, love you (love you)
Can’t let go, just want you
Hold me, kiss me (kiss me)
Your memory, won’t fade away

Seasons change, memories fade (memories fade)
Cold-hearted, still I wait, empty heart
Clumsy love, why do I hold on? (hold on)
Yearning for, your touch once more

Love, I can’t forget (can’t forget)
Haunts me every night, can’t move on
Regret, it pulls me back (pulls me back)
Heart flutters, at shadows of you

Miss you, love you (love you)
Can’t let go, just want you
Hold me, kiss me (kiss me)
Your memory, won’t fade away

Foolish heart, can’t say a word (say a word)
Just one simple hello, how are you?
Happy smile, but not for me (not for me)
Your joy makes me feel so small

Miss you, love you (love you)
Can’t let go, just want you
Hold me, kiss me (kiss me)
Your memory, won’t fade away

Someday, I’ll find someone new (someone new)
With a smile just like you
But they won’t be you, my heart aches (heart aches)
Unforgettable, forever you
Ooh, forever you

유튜브 뮤직 영상

아래 유튜브 영상으로 음악을 감상해 보자!

음악 컨셉 

이 노래는 헤어진 옛 연인을 그리워하는 감정을 담고 있습니다. 이별의 아픔과 후회, 잊지 못하는 마음을 표현하며, 차갑게 떠나간 연인을 여전히 사랑하고 기다리는 주인공의 이야기를 그립니다. 주인공은 새로운 사람을 만나도 옛 연인을 잊지 못해 슬픔을 느낍니다. 전체적으로 이별 후의 그리움과 상실감을 감성적으로 전달하는 곡입니다.

This song is about the feelings of longing for an ex-lover who has broken up with you. It expresses the pain, regret, and unforgettability of a breakup, and tells the story of a protagonist who still loves and waits for a lover who left him cold. The protagonist feels sad because he cannot forget his old lover even when he meets someone new. Overall, the song emotionally conveys the feeling of longing and loss after a breakup.

AI 이미지

이 키워드로 만든 AI 이미지도 음악과 함께 감상해 보자!

A melancholic scene depicting a person standing alone on a dimly lit street, looking at the silhouette of someone walking away in the distance. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of longing and sadness, with autumn leaves falling around. The street is lined with bare trees and soft streetlights. The overall mood is nostalgic and wistful, capturing the essence of missing a lost love. –ar 16:9

음원 다운로드

아래 링크를 통해 다운로드 받으면 된다.



이 음악은 무료로 제공되며 음원이랑, 이미지 모두 생성형 AI로 만든 것임
생성형 AI는 유료 사용자로서 저작권 해결된 상태임

This music is free and both the music and images were created by generative AI.
Generative AI is a paying user with copyright clearance

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