What If

사용한 키워드

만약에, 가능성, 후회, 사랑, 재회, 추억, 로맨스, 청춘, 감성, 회상, 희망, what if, possibilities, regret, love, reunion, memories, romance, youth, emotions, nostalgia, hope

음악 제목 및 가사

What If

If we were young and free,
How would our story be?
Would we dance through the night,
In the glow of city lights?

What if, what if, we could try again?
Take the chance, rewrite the end.
What if, what if, love was on our side?
Would we find, a place to hide?

If we could turn back time,
Chase the rhythm, find the rhyme.
Would we change, or stay the same?
Burn brighter in the flame?

What if, what if, we could try again?
Take the chance, rewrite the end.
What if, what if, love was on our side?
Would we find, a place to hide?

If only, if only, we could see,
The future that was meant to be.
If only, if only, we’d believe,
In the love that we could weave.

What if, what if, we could try again?
Take the chance, rewrite the end.
What if, what if, love was on our side?
Would we find, a place to hide?

What if, what if, dreams come true?
Would I still be with you?
What if, what if, love never fades?
In our hearts, it always stays.

유튜브 뮤직 영상

아래 유튜브 영상으로 음악을 감상해 보자!

음악 컨셉 

이 노래의 컨셉은 “만약에”라는 가정을 통해 과거의 선택과 그로 인한 결과에 대한 후회와 회상, 그리고 새로운 가능성에 대한 희망을 탐구하는 것입니다. 노래는 두 사람이 젊었을 때 서로를 어떻게 대했을까, 그들이 다른 선택을 했다면 지금 어떤 상황이었을까에 대한 생각을 중심으로 진행됩니다. 후회와 아쉬움, 그리고 아직 가능성이 남아있을지 모른다는 희망이 감성적으로 표현되며, 과거의 추억과 현재의 상황을 대비시켜 감동을 줍니다. 노래의 전체적인 분위기는 로맨틱하면서도 약간의 쓸쓸함이 담긴 감성적인 톤을 유지합니다.

The concept of the song is to explore regret and reminiscence about past choices and their consequences, and hope for new possibilities, through “what if” scenarios. The song centres around the idea of how two people might have treated each other when they were younger, and how things might be different now if they had made different choices. Regrets, wistfulness, and hope that there might still be possibilities are emotionally expressed, and the contrast between the past and the present is touching. The overall tone of the song is romantic and emotional with a hint of wistfulness.

AI 이미지

이 키워드로 만든 AI 이미지도 음악과 함께 감상해 보자!

A nostalgic and romantic scene inspired by a song about ‘what if’ moments and missed opportunities in love. The image features a cityscape at night with glowing city lights, a young couple standing apart but looking at each other with longing. The background shows a bridge or a street illuminated by street lamps, with soft, warm lighting. The mood is a mix of melancholy and hope, with a slightly dreamy, reflective atmosphere. The colors are muted with soft blues, purples, and warm tones to evoke a sense of nostalgia and emotion. –ar 16:9

음원 다운로드

아래 링크를 통해 다운로드 받으면 된다.

What If_CreDiwork.zip


이 음악은 무료로 제공되며 음원이랑, 이미지 모두 생성형 AI로 만든 것임
생성형 AI는 유료 사용자로서 저작권 해결된 상태임

This music is free and both the music and images were created by generative AI.
Generative AI is a paying user with copyright clearance

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