수채화 느낌 ~ in a watercolor style. Inspired by John Singer Sargent and Winslow Homer. intricate

A girl smiling brightly while taking pictures in a gorgeous

flower garden painted in a watercolor style.

where butterflies and bees fly.

The colors of the scenery are vibrant,

with shades of greens, blues, and pinks.

Inspired by John Singer Sargent and Winslow Homer.

intricate, ornate–stylize 1000

명령어로 그린 그림 결과물

A girl smiling brightly while taking pictures in a gorgeous flower garden

painted in a watercolor style.

where butterflies and bees fly.

The colors of the scenery are vibrant, with shades of greens, blues, and pinks.

Inspired by John Singer Sargent and Winslow Homer.

intricate, ornate–stylize 1000

위 부분이 중요!

주요 부분을 설명한뒤 수채화 느낌으로 그려달라고 하고

painted in a watercolor style.

주로 사용할 컬러를 지정 한뒤

John Singer Sargent와 Winslow Homer 

영감을 받아 화려하게 그려달라고 하면 

위 결과물과 같은 톤으로 매번 뽑아줌

The colors of the scenery are vibrant,

with shades of greens, blues, and pinks.

Inspired by John Singer Sargent and Winslow Homer.

intricate, ornate–stylize 1000

아래 명령어로 뽑은 그림

A man in his 50s striving for the best results, painted in a watercolor style.

The man is depicted in a park,

jogging along a winding path with trees and foliage surrounding him.

The colors of the scenery are vibrant, with shades of greens,

blues, and pinks. The man’s facial expression is focused,

with sweat running down his forehead.

Inspired by John Singer Sargent and Winslow Homer.

intricate, ornate–stylize 1000

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