octane render의 차이
octane render 명령어를 넣고 안넣고의 차이를 한번 보자!
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance of illustraion, –ar 16:9
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance of illustraion, octane render –ar 16:9
솔직히 차이를 잘 모르겠다!
그럼 이번엔 더 넣어 보자!
octane render –q 2 –v 4 –s 100
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance of illustraion,
octane render –q 2 –v 4 –s 100 –ar 16:9
아무래도 일러스트라 색감의 차이가 확연히 나지 않는것 같다!
그럼 일러스트 느낌을 빼보자!
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance, –ar 16:9
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance, octane render –q 2 –v 4 –s 100 –ar 16:9
확실히 octane render –q 2 –v 4 –s 100 넣으면 더 디테일하게 렌더링이 되어 나오는것 같다!
영상은 아래와 같은 느낌이 난다
octane render –test –ar 16:9 –video –v 4 붙인게 아무래도 디테일이 더 낫다!
Back view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance of illustraion –test –ar 16:9 –video
ack view of a man sitting at an office desk working on a computer,
starry evening outside the small office window in the distance of illustraion,
octane render –test –ar 16:9 –video –v 4