
사용한 키워드

재탄생, 새로운 시작, 사랑, 희망, 꿈, 날개, 행복, 변화, rebirth, new beginning, love, hope, dreams, wings, happiness, transformation

음악 제목 및 가사


Flying high, no worries near
In the sky, the sun so clear
Like a note, I soar and sing
On your shoulder, peace I bring

La la la, I’m born anew
Since the moment I met you
La la la, you lift me high
Now I’m reaching for the sky

Rain may fall, but I stay dry
With you here, I touch the sky
Every flaw just fades away
Perfect now in every way

La la la, I’m born anew
Since the moment I met you
La la la, you lift me high
Now I’m reaching for the sky

Dreams awake, no need to hide
Feel the love, it’s deep inside
Through the storms, I see the sun
With you, life has just begun

La la la, I’m born anew
Since the moment I met you
La la la, you lift me high
Now I’m reaching for the sky

Morning light, a minty breeze
Flowers bloom, I feel at ease
Every step, we walk as one
Dancing under moon and sun

La la la, I’m born anew
Since the moment I met you
La la la, you lift me high
Now I’m reaching for the sky

La la la, oh, can’t you see
You and I, we’re meant to be
La la la, up where we fly
You and I, forever high

유튜브 뮤직 영상

아래 유튜브 영상으로 음악을 감상해 보자!

음악 컨셉 

이 노래의 컨셉은 새로운 시작과 변화를 통한 행복과 희망입니다. 사랑하는 사람을 만나면서 삶이 새롭게 변화하고, 그로 인해 꿈을 다시 꾸기 시작하는 과정을 표현합니다. 주인공은 이전의 실수와 불완전함을 떨쳐내고, 이제 사랑을 통해 다시 태어난 듯한 감정을 느낍니다. 노래는 자유롭게 날아오르는 새처럼 걱정 없이 행복과 희망을 향해 나아가는 이야기를 담고 있으며, 밝고 긍정적인 에너지를 중심으로 진행됩니다. 반복적인 “La la la” 코러스는 경쾌하고 중독성 있는 멜로디로 감정의 상승을 강조하며, 청자에게도 그 행복을 전달합니다.

The concept of this song is **happiness and hope through a new beginning and transformation**. It expresses the process of life changing anew after meeting a loved one, which leads the protagonist to dream again. The protagonist shakes off past mistakes and imperfections, now feeling as if they’ve been reborn through love. The song tells a story of moving toward happiness and hope, free from worries, like a bird soaring into the sky. It revolves around a bright and positive energy, with the repetitive “La la la” chorus enhancing the uplifting emotions with a catchy melody, conveying that happiness to the listener as well.

AI 이미지

이 키워드로 만든 AI 이미지도 음악과 함께 감상해 보자!

A close-up of a delicate bird feather, floating gently in the air, bathed in warm sunlight. The feather is softly illuminated, with subtle golden rays filtering through the sky in the background, symbolizing lightness, hope, and freedom. The overall mood is serene and uplifting, with the feather’s fine details in sharp focus while the background is softly blurred. –ar 16:9

음원 다운로드

아래 링크를 통해 다운로드 받으면 된다.


이 음악은 무료로 제공되며 음원이랑, 이미지 모두 생성형 AI로 만든 것임
생성형 AI는 유료 사용자로서 저작권 해결된 상태임

This music is free and both the music and images were created by generative AI.
Generative AI is a paying user with copyright clearance

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