팝 아트 느낌의 코미디 듀오, 로렐과 하디의 영감을 결과물에 반영

A hilarious comedy act is taking place in a funny & weird nightclub.

The stage is set with a red curtain and a microphone stand,

and the comedians are wearing funky outfits and have hilarious facial expressions.

The music note and sound in the background indicate a jolly atmosphere.

The artwork is inspired by pop art and the comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy.

Illustration. intricate, ornate –stylize 1000

여기서 앞에 상황표현을 한뒤

The artwork is inspired by pop art and the comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy. 

Illustration. intricate, ornate –stylize 1000 

요 문구를 넣으면 아래와 같이 팝아트 느낌으로 이미지가 출력되는것 같습니다

아래와 같이 앞 부분의 상황을 다르게 표현한뒤 뒤에 문장은 같게 하니 출력물이 아래와 같이 나옴

Piero, who is dressed as a yellow Pierry, is enjoying the show on a small horse.

On the stage, a lion is doing a show with a ball.

The artwork is inspired by pop art and the comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy.

Illustration. intricate, ornate –stylize 1000

The artwork is inspired by pop art and the comedy duo, Laurel and Hardy. 

Illustration. intricate, ornate –stylize 1000 

위 문장 꼭 기억하세요!

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