Waiting Still

사용한 키워드

이별, 그리움, 사랑, 눈물, 기다림, 슬픔, 추억, 애절함, 마지막 인사, 감성, goodbye, love, heartbreak, waiting, tears, memories, sorrow, farewell, longing, emotional

음악 제목 및 가사

Waiting Still

In my mind, you’re still so clear
Even though you’re no longer here
I close my eyes, but you’re always near
Every time, it’s just more tears

Where did you go, I need to know
The love we had feels so long ago
Though we’re done, I’m still holding on
Can’t let go, you’re still the one

Love, my love, I’m waiting still
Even though it’s hard, I always will
Love, my love, through all the pain
Goodbye, my love, I’ll love again

The days were short, but memories stay
Your smile’s a light that won’t fade away
Though time moves on, you’re in my heart
Can’t forget, can’t be apart

Like the wind, you slipped away
But my heart’s still with you every day
Words unsaid, I wish I’d told
Goodbye, my love, I let you go

Love, my love, I’m waiting still
Even though it’s hard, I always will
Love, my love, through all the pain
Goodbye, my love, I’ll love again

Goodbye, goodbye, my love so true
Goodbye, my love, I’ll wait for you

유튜브 뮤직 영상

아래 유튜브 영상으로 음악을 감상해 보자!

음악 컨셉 

이 노래의 컨셉은 헤어진 연인을 그리워하며 떠나보낸 사랑에 대한 애절한 감정을 담고 있습니다. 사랑했던 순간들은 여전히 마음속에 남아 있지만, 현실에서는 멀어져 버린 연인을 향한 그리움과 슬픔을 노래합니다. 짧은 기억들 속에서 다시 그때로 돌아가고 싶지만, 이미 떠난 사랑을 받아들여야 하는 내적 갈등이 주된 주제입니다. 이별의 아픔을 견디면서도, 끝내 하지 못한 마지막 인사와 여전히 남아있는 사랑을 표현하며, 감성적이고 서정적인 분위기를 유지하는 것이 핵심입니다.

The concept of this song is about a lover who has broken up with you, and the emotions of longing for a love that has left you. The song is about longing and sadness for a lover who has moved on, even though the moments of love still remain in your mind. The main theme is the inner conflict of wanting to go back to that time again in short memories, but having to accept the love that has already left. The key is to maintain an emotional and lyrical mood while enduring the pain of the breakup, expressing the final goodbye that was never said and the love that still remains.

AI 이미지

이 키워드로 만든 AI 이미지도 음악과 함께 감상해 보자!

A melancholic scene reflecting the emotions of love and heartbreak. A figure stands alone by a large window, looking out into a rainy, dim cityscape, with soft light casting shadows. Tears are visible on their face, and they hold a letter or photograph in their hand. The room behind them is simple, warm-toned but with a lonely atmosphere, while the outside rain blurs the lights of the city. The overall mood is emotional, bittersweet, and nostalgic. –ar 16:9

음원 다운로드

아래 링크를 통해 다운로드 받으면 된다.

Waiting Still_CreDiwork.zip


이 음악은 무료로 제공되며 음원이랑, 이미지 모두 생성형 AI로 만든 것임
생성형 AI는 유료 사용자로서 저작권 해결된 상태임

This music is free and both the music and images were created by generative AI.
Generative AI is a paying user with copyright clearance

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